Wednesday, October 27, 2010

trashion virus

as a sequel to my account on my daily YBR ritual in Monterey, i have to share this, too.  visits to thrift shops are really full of surprises.  imagine how astonished and enchanted i was upon seeing these?

no, you can’t.  
i think i am alone in this.  

while i was asking the kind and nice store manager on the price for each book, 
i couldn’t keep my mind from
entertaining creative thoughts,

and playing with different potentials these fabrics promise.  and another marvel was in line, the stash is so pricey!  nah!  joke!
i could hardly wait to get back home and work on my new-found materials.  and to make my consternation worse, the cargo co that shipped my stash got involved in some contraband issue, so it took forever, almost forever, for these bargains to reach me,

but now they are safe and sound, right here, where my creative juices flow.  bwahahaha! 
 my sister T also got her hands on another stash! she was fast to catch this trashion virus in me. 
so, now, i have the biggest stash of beautiful fabrics to work on and work on it is what i am definitely doing.

 care to be infected?

art is a VERB (emphasis supplied)

Monday, October 25, 2010

i love vintage

have you ever gone to the same thrift store two days in a row? 

that's me, that week when i was in Monterey. i can never seem to get enough of that YBR place.  and i don’t really wonder, i know why. 
i brought home a collection of green depression glass which i bought from YBR in  my numerous visits, one that will make my friend Tootsie green with envy!  bwahahaha, and make her take a second look at her own.  i have also found nice amber glass pieces that will compliment the collection i have started before my trip to the US.  just unfortunate, tho, that a piece broke in transit. 
some of my vintage fabrics/materials for my upcoming line – F.A.R.M. Threads, were also from YBR,  i rummaged through their boxes and bins and found fabric remnants of silk and satin, some are now florettes for my hair accessories.  YBR is my treasure chest  when i am in the americas and i keep it not a secret.
my sister, T and i really love to go treasure hunting at thrift stores. 

in fact, in the 45-day holiday last Christmas, that i spent with her,  i can only count the days when am not in one.  now, was that a luxe holiday or a thrift holiday?  bwahahaha.

i have a café back here in the Philippines, and the motif is vintage, the reason why i am overly drawn to anything vintage.  i am positive, i will be running my own vintage shop cum café soon enough, if the thrift gods don’t stop looking down my way.  i am just so lucky to find treasures in what others call trash.  that doesn’t make me trashy, tho.  my place is full of class, and ilovette!
vintage shops are my shops of choice, anywhere i go, be it in Europe, the Americas, Asia, or even just here in Manila and to be more localized, even here in my town, Baao, shops that promise anything vintage are my most fave place to go.  

i am sure by now, if you have been reading through, you are wondering, what kind of place i live in? 

well, no surprise at all,
i live in a vintage house, antique, is more appropriate, with all my vintage furniture, handed down from one generation to the next,

and i am the fourth down the line.  this place i live in, which is now known as Villa Esperanza (i named it, btw) has always been dwelled upon by matriarchs and matriarch i shall be.  i wouldn’t want to disappoint my forebears.  bwahahaha.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

flowers and floral things

flowers are one of the greatest 
and most satisfying indulgences of  my life. 

i love those growing in my farm, 
and i love the foliage, too. 

i enjoy setting them on my bottles and propping them up in the most unusual nooks and crannies of my place. 

my farm, too, is an explosion of texture and color, perfectly suited to the grounds.

flowers are not only one of the great pleasures of my life, but their inspiration is a central part of my designs.  their influences can be seen in everything i make.

when i get the time to make my routine rounds in the nearby flea markets, my eyes are automatically drawn to flower-inspired fabrics. 

and with these fabrics, guess what i make out of them?  fabric flowers, of course.

so, to be launched in november is my new line of products – the F.A.R.M. Threads.  hair accessories, purses, totes, cushion covers, etc.  all these are from used and discarded fabrics.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

scarves away!

i have been playing with my idea years ago, 
and somehow, in the onslaught of the demands for my time, 
with the myriad concerns that i attend to, my idea got stashed and lost, too. 
until i had the time to empty one room, the one next to mine, 
to make it ready for Dorothy who was coming home for a vacay after almost a decade of being away, in the US.
when i saw my stash of vintage scarves, again, i was more resolute and gave in to its charm and promise of a new look for my living room upstairs.  
so i had marlyn, my seamstress, to do my project for me.
today i installed my new curtains of what once was a stash of old, worn, vintage scarves. 

and voila! 
a personality 
and an interesting character 
to my living room.